Saturday, March 27, 2010

ZUMBA® Certification

Yaaayyyyy!!!!!!!!! I'm Zumba fitness certified!!

Here's the pictures- I'm headed for a shower then TO BED! woot woot!

At 6 AM (Hella early for the college life- especially a Saturday morning)

It's official!!

With Roger, the coolest Zumba instructor/guy ever!

With Yvonne (I'll need to double-check spelling on that one), she's also an amazing dancer! She taught some of the dances.

:) :) :D :D :D

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Long Time No Post

I've had 2 tests, with one more tomorrow!

A lovely evening at La Casa Lopez


an audition!

and studying until my head explodes!!!!! GGGGAAAAA!

{I'll be home in two days, and back in MT tomorrow. Praise the Lord}

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Operation Eat it Before Spring Break: Starting NOW!

So.. I have muffins, eggs, apples, oranges, bread, almond butter, jam, peanut butter, tomatoes, and onion, and various cheeses that I need to eat so they don't go bad when I come home for spring break! So long dining centers- I'll be eating in my dorm room the next week and a half!

Dinner was AMAZING tonight:

Almond Butter + Jam (a TON of both :) )

with a blood orange!

For breakfast I had the egg/banana/oats/PB combo again. Seriously I'm in love!

I had other food today, obviously, but I'm tired and just want to post what I had last night for dinner after Zumba. Pasta and milk!! So good.

Good night! :)

Tuesday, March 02, 2010


I'm so excited. This morning's oatmeal seriously tops them all!

Allowed to soak overnight: 1/2 cup old fashioned oats + 1/2 cup skim milk

This mix was reheated for 30 seconds in the microwave today before 1 egg and 1 banana (in pieces) was added. Then it was microwaved for a 30 seconds, stirred, then 1 minute, stirred, and a final minute.

The egg got cooked (but you really can't taste it) and the banana turned to a sweet, sweet mushy goodness. It was so much sweeter this way!

Then a tablespoon of peanut butter and some cinnamon and ta-da!! It's aroung 470 kcal, which again is more than usual, but something about the added egg/old fashioned oats combo makes it stick around in my tummy so much longer. Usually I'm STARVED by lunch! I hate that, because then I tend to want to overeat.

I finished this off with some iced coffee and milk leftover from yesterday.

Oh, and here's my dinner from last night!

Monday, March 01, 2010

Eggies eggies eggies


Long story short: I have (or had) 4 eggs that will expire this week, and I did not get around to using them this week, so I needed a way to eat them!

So.. I put one in my oatmeal this morning!

1/2 cup oats + 1/2 cup skim milk left in fridge overnight covered..

then I added a raw egg this morning, and microwaved for 30 seconds, stirred, then 50 seconds, stirred, then 20 more and it was all cooked!

1 banana + 1 tbs pb + cinnamon + more milk (the egg made it almost solid) and we're ready to go. Yumi!

this is just the egg + milk + oats after cooking..

see the cooked egg whites??

At right around 500 calories, this is a pretty rich breakfast, but I need it to last me from 8-1 with a workout tossed into the mix. I hope it holds!