Saturday, December 19, 2009



I can't exercise at much, I sleep more, and cook more.

I guess I'll have to wait until I get back to Pullman to really continue Jillian's recommended plan for me...

but here's what I've been eating that's still pretty healthy!

My peanut butter/chocolate chip oatmeal, but using old-fashioned oats. Surprisingly, I actually like the taste of my instant oats better!


Here's a yogurt parfait I concocted.. 1/2 cup Greek yogurt (160 calories) + 1/2 cup frozen berries (35 calories) + 1/2 cup super-healthy-high-fiber cereal (100 calories) = super fun at only 295 calories.. heck this would even make a good dessert.

This morning: oatmeal pancakes with real maple syrup and bananas! Success.


Oatmeal Pancakes

Whisk together:
1/2 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt

Beat in separate bowl:
2 eggs
Stir in:
1 1/2 cups cooked oatmeal (about 1 cup uncooked)
1/2 cup milk
2 tablespoons melted butter

"Quickly stir this mixture into the dry ingredients."
Cook like normal pancakes.
(Joy of Cooking, page 646)
*I added 1/4 cup slightly crunched pecans to the batter for a little more holiday crunch*

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


The nerdy/weird/self-destructive/optimistic side of me (almost) likes finals week.

Sure it's stressful, and at times you want to die, but then it's over.

The relief that comes with finishing every exam is almost worth the stressing before it. almost.

So yeah. What's the best way to relieve stress? EXERCISE! yes. Yesterday: level 2 of the shred, then I ran a mile, then did pilates, and a yoga class. So much fun.

Today I was sore from yesterday so took it a little easier, but not that much: level 3 of the shred! ack! It still kills me every time, and I have to take mini (2 second) breathers, but I still did it! go me.

Onto food. . I finally got my hands on some über healthy bread, and have taken full advantage of it through continued eating of peanut butter sandwiches. So good. mmm.

THEN! tonight I made eggies and toast. At home this is my go-to food: we always have the ingredients, it's healthy, and takes about 10 minutes to make. No really.

Tbs. peanut butter 100+ bread 90+ apple 75+ coffee+ tsp. sugar 15+dash milk 10= 290 calories :)
1 Tbs. peanut butter 100+ asian pear (cross between an apple and a pear- soooo good) 75+ bread 90+ cheese stick 70= 335 calories
Making Eggies and Toast:

2 tsp.s olive oil 80+ bread 90+ egg 55= 225 calories

add an apple at 75 to make it an even 300..
Heat the oil up on high, then add just the bread (with a hole in the center) and let it absorb some of the oil. Then flip it over so the other side absorbs the rest. Let it heat up on each side so it gets a little toasted!

Then break the egg and put it in the center of the bread. Let it cook for a while on this side- just make sure it doesn't burn!- then flip it over for a bit, salt it, and you're good to go!!

(no final photos. Why? I ate it before I thought about taking any more photos.) I did however take a photos of the clean dishes! ..and my phone apparently :P

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Weekend Before Finals..

Between studying, studying, writing, and more studying, I have definitely made time to get to the gym or do a workout video, and also eat! This is yesterday's food minus a snack I had after dinner.

Best. Breakfast. Ever.

Truly. I had it again today it was so scrumptious. Take 1 tbs. Chocolate Chips, 1 banana, and 1 Tbs. Adam's crunchy peanut butter.. then make oatmeal.

While the oatmeal is still hot, stir in the chocolate chips until they melt, then add the peanut butter and stir more.

Finally slice up the banana and you are ready to go! So healthy and so good. Calories: oatmeal 100+ Choc Chips 70+ PB 100+ Medium Banana 80= 350.
Lunch! Dismore's has amazing organic apples so that's what you see here. Then there is another slice of the amazing whole wheat bread, with a tablespoon of peanut butter on it. (toast the bread for best results), and add a cheese stick to get your dairy! Yum. Calories: apple 75+bread 90+ PB 100+ cheese stick 70= 335.

This is a breakfast food I have showed you before, but I had it for my dinner last night. 1/4 cup Kashi granola, Tilamook yogurt, and another banana. Calories: yogurt 210+granola 110+ medium banana 80= 400. A little more calories than a usual meal, but still pretty darn healthy :)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Go Bananas!

Today I had two very ripe bananas that needed consuming.

For breakfast: 1 oatmeal packet, 1 tbs. extra dark chocolate chips, 1 small banana, and 1 tbs raw crunched up walnuts. 100+70+80+50=300 calories. Add a glass of skim milk and you're still only up to 390- less calories than poptarts! take that junk food!
Mid-afternoon snack. After craving some über healthy bread for about a week now, I finally marched my way over to Dismore's to get some, and some Adam's natural peanut butter. The result? 1 piece Whole Grain 100% whole wheat toast, 2 tbs. Adam's natural crunchy peanut butter, 1 banana. Calories: 90+200+100= 390. Still less than a poptart, way more filling, better tasting, and healthier. Oh yeah! (again sorry for the crappy quality of the photos- they'll get better when I get my camera back from home!)

Oh and today I did level 2 of "the shred!"

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Welcome Back

I'm changing this blog because it is mine and I can. I will still look on the positive (that's how I roll), but I want to focus more on dorm life, food, fitness, and health. Sort of a log.

Right now I am trying to eat well, going off of Jillian Michaels' "Master Your Metabolism." So far, so good! I have been doing various levels of her 30-day shred, and am feeling (and looking?) better already. So this blog will log food, fun, and fitness for me. Thanks :-)

Here are some pics of my new fav breakfasts and snack..

*please note these photos were taken with my little point-and-shoot! I will be busting out the SLR as soon as I get back home*

Breakfast/snack: 1 apple, raisins, and oatmeal (instant- I live in the dorms!)
Amazing breakfast: Tillamook vanilla yogurt, 1/4 cup Kashi apple orchard granola, 2 kiwis, 1 cup organic milk :)
More amazing breakfast food: Oatmeal, banana, 1 Tbs. Dark chocolate chips (mix in the chocolate chips when the oatmeal is hot so they melt), and skim organic milk
Snack time! Coffee with organic skim milk, 1 tsp. sugar, 1/4 cup raw walnuts, come organic baby carrots, and a cheese stick..
More amazingness. Seriously. 1/4 cup Kashi Orchard granola, 1 banana, vanilla Tillamook yogurt..