Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Lesson on Reading Facial Expressions

Let's take a look back at some moments from my summer in Ecuador, shall we?! 

This is my why-am-I-here-I-haven't-had-any-solid-calories-in-days face
It was actually a really cool lookout and afternoon. I drove with my family through Baños and we hiked all the way down (and aaaalllllllll the way up) to see this waterfall. It was gorgeous! The hike would have been a piece of cake normally, but I had been sick the few days proceeding and was running on empty. 

I kinda just wanted to curl up and die. And I'm pretty sure I was crazy homesick at this point. I normally don't get homesick, but when I feel like shat I definitely do. 

This is my it's-noon-and-the-boys-are-already-drunk face! 

The tour of the pyramids was interesting..  the first time around. The second? Please no! Solution? ALCOHOL. Oooh goodness. Being the sober photographer was an experience I wouldn't trade for the world. 

This is my the-boys-are-drinking-at-noon-and-we're-taking-photos-with-alpacas face. 

Enough said. 

This is my how-the-heck-am-I-supposed-to-eat-all-of-this-without-dying face. . 

On Sundays my family would always cook a very large lunch as part of their family tradition or maybe just for fun. I always got up and made and ate breakfast at a pretty decent hour (7 or 8 maybe?). This particular Sunday we started cooking pretty early but didn't end up eating until around three!

My stomach went from gnawing hunger to not very hungry AT ALL. Before this plate we also had a really thick tasty soup which was already filling me up. 

I, however, shut this lunch down! It tasted incredible. I ate it all. Yeeeaaaahhhh. 

The yellow circles are llapingachos, a Ecuadorian potato and cheese cake type of thing. Holy yum! I want to make some with thanksgiving leftovers this year. 

This is a holy-wow-I-have-never-felt-more-beautiful face. 

This was near the summit of a crazy mountain/hike that I went on with one of the boys. Not only did I feel amazingly accomplished at making it this far (the total hike was over 4 hours- in the crazy Ecuador altitude. That stuff is seriously not to be messed with), but there was a group of Chinese tourists that made it even better.

They asked to have their photos taken with me. With me! Seriously I felt like a celebrity or something, and I know I looked rather sketch that afternoon (no makeup- hello!), so I'm not sure what it was. But I have honestly never felt prettier than I did when this photo was taken.

This is my I-can't-believe-it's-not-the-death-of-me face. 

Hiking up into the clouds (can you see them?!). Yeaahhhh!!!!

This is my I-am-really-super-duper-excited-but-kinda-sad-that-the-fish-had-to-die face! 

This is the first fish I have ever caught in my life! Okay, it was in a stocked pond, but the fishing rod was made of bamboo, fishing line, a hook, and raw bread dough for bait. 

It tasted soooooo good. 

This is my if-I-had-a-little-brother-this-would-be-him!!!!! face.

Steven, little man, you rock my world, and I am proud to share a birthday with you :)

This is my this-rocks-but-what-if-it-attacks-me-or-has-bird-flu face. 

There were so many different types of birds running around at the indigenous community where we stayed. They were all so cool! This one Daniel caught and it let us hold it for a little.

More Ecuadorian moments to come in the future....... :D

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