Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Almond Butter French Toast with Honey and Bananas

This Sunday I wanted to cook breakfast. I've done the whole eggs thing, and I can make oatmeal or toast any ol' morning. The only problem was that I (still!) had no money, so had to figure out what to make from what I already have.

After poking around on a couple of "healthy eating blogs," and, I stumbled across a recipe for french toast like my dad makes, stuffed with peanut butter! (Though the website used almond butter, which I have and used).

I also did not have any syrup, money, and definitely did not want to knowingly ingest any high fructose corn syrup. I did want my french toast to be sweet though! So here's what I did.

I made an almond butter and honey sandwich with my whole wheat bread using about 1-2 tablespoons almond butter (the chocolate chips were a morning pick-me-up):

Mix together:
1 egg
1 tbs. milk
dash vanilla
dash cinnamon (mine's organic!)
Pour half of this mixture on one side of the sandwich, flip it over pour the other half on the other side. Try to make sure as much of the eggy batter gets absorbed as the bread can take.

Put a teensy bit of butter in the pan, and cook evenly on both sides until it looks something like this!

Add a sliced banana on top for extra goodness and sweet, and enjoy. This was so amazing.
For the original recipe click HERE.


  1. Hi Halley,
    This looks really good, keep track of these recipes!

  2. I am keeping track of them!

    By putting them online lol
