Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Apartment Tour part Three: the Kitchen!

Want to know the main reason why I moved off campus? Here it is: a kitchen :)

The two paintings were a antique store find in Palouse- 10 bucks for both. The table was a craigslist find, though a little more expensive at about 70 I think. Still, for an ikea table and four chairs, that's not too bad.

We still need to find something cool to hang above the sink, we were thinking about hanging up some fun trays, but we weren't sure how.

Knives, coffee, and utensils!

Our teeny counters are packed! But actually still functional. Most of the space that is used up by appliances is space that we wouldn't really use anyways because it's so far back on the counter.

The coupon corner and home of my awesome colander (see top left of the photo) and Kitchenaid. I still need to name her, any suggestions? The steak thawing is Haley's haha

And last, but definitely not least, here's our awesome pantry. Who knew apartments had pantries??

Here's all my stuff!

The End!

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