Hi. I'm still not sure what this blog is going to be, so just bear with me. The only things I know for sure that it will be is 1. random, 2. interesting (i hope), and 3. chronicle the more entertaining parts of my life, and the people I share it with.
Why? Again I'm not quite sure. I hope to improve my writing, and they say the more you write the better you get, so this will be some practice. Also, this is a rather pivotal point in any person's life. Having just turned 18, I'll be heading off to college in the fall, and this should be a good way to both document that, and keep in touch with family back home.
As for the name, Tuesday Tomorrow, I chose it because although it has an obvious meaning (Monday), it's also putting it in a more optomistic light. Mondays are rather notorious for being the worst day of the week, so by instead saying "Tuesday Tomorrow", it makes it seem nicer.