Zumba was great, got my heart pumping, and me sweating- always a sign of an amazing workout. I then chilled in the hot tub for a while before heading back to the dorm for some laundry time.
Then before class (around 9 am) I made myself a peanut butter and banana sandwich. These are my newest craving- I'm having one for breakfast tomorrow. Yum! Oh and I had milk with this too.
After another four hours- and classes- I had an orange, pear, slice of sourdough bread, and more milk for lunch.
A few carrots for a snack this afternoon, a tiny big of yogurt, then dinner:
soup from northside and a spinach salad with beans, ranch, and sunflower seeds.
and, most importantly, THE MARKET NOW SELLS BREAD WITH NO HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP (see previous post for why this is oh so awesome). Here is me with the almost-gone bag of bread I bought at Dismore's, and then with my new bag I got at the market. On campus. Ooh I was excited.

You go girl! See, it NEVER hurts to ask, or at least most of the time.