Friday, February 05, 2010

Finally Friday!

This week has gone by so fast. I think it should win some award. Maybe the best week of 2010? Most year-changing? Craziest?? Either of these would fit. 

Why the best?
I started shadowing a gravity class at the rec, and the instructor I'm shadowing is really cool and so helpful.
My mother helped me register for the Zumba® workshop in Spokane at the end of March.
I found some amazing fiesta dishes (can you believe that was just Monday?)
Greek Yogurt is no longer in short supply. 
The grandparents sent me an awesome care package full of organic goodies and on-the-go healthy bars.
My new printer ink arrived, so I no longer have to turn in assignments that are printed in green, blue, or purple ink.
Applied and was accepted to our apartments for next year!
I bought a tangerine Kitchenaid Mixer!! egads I'm pumped. 
That's all I can think of now!

Most year-changing?
I found out that I will be getting scholarship help from the Honors College so I can go to Ecuador this summer. For 10 weeks. To speak Spanish. Oh. My. Gosh. I wish someone would have recorded me reading the email because I was FREAKING out. Close to tears. Embarrassing as hell. So exciting none the less. I pray this works out.
We have an apartment!!

I'm at the rec every single night of the week. Tuesdays/Thursdays for Zumba, MWF for Gravity, and Thursday nights for Belly dancing!
Biology exam- midterms already!
Chem quiz bleugh
Apartment application and dealings.
Other random homework.
Focusing on food! planning and packing as needed (this is fun though :) )

So yeah. This week went so quickly! It's hard to believe that we're through the fourth week of the semester already and into February. Where is this year going already? It's hard to believe that I'll be headed home for spring break five weeks from now. That seems so soon! 

Ahh! And now onto the food from today..

Breakfast: Maybe it's just me, but I always hop right out of bed when I know breakfast is going to be good. Sometimes I think that's a little bit too food-motivated, but it's healthy and you're supposed to eat breakfast so there. 

Overnight oats! In the mix today was 1/3 cup skim milk, 1/3 cup oats, 1/3 cup greek yogurt, and a banana all soaked overnight. I added sliced toasted almonds this morning for a bit more protein and crunch! 

It's weird, I never thought I would like this color of Fiesta, but it's so much fun. Heck they all are! Eating is more fun with Fiesta, no doubt. Plus these bowls are super shallow so it looks like I have more to eat haha.

Yum yum almonds!

Lunch: I had leftover avocado from yesterday so I put it in a sandwich bag, smushed them up, and then spread it on my bread like butter! I packed two pieces of bread and avocado, and then bought spinach, a couple pieces of chicken, and mushrooms at the dining center, and made a huge sandwich! 

I also had a glass of milk. This was so good. The avocado made a very nice butter, the chicken added flavor, and the mushrooms and spinach added bulk and overall amazingness. 


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